Kaptain Keil – Ponderer Extraordinaire

A few random thoughts floating in cyberspace

Archive for August, 2009

What I’ve learnt …

First off I’d llike to note that in my last post days 4,5,6 should have been 5,6,7. I blame lingering effects from the weekend festivities.

Diary Summary:
* This diary highlighted that I do not use many internet functions in my day to day work. So far my 2.0 journey has been about what I can use in my spare time and what I may use in the future. I like the idea of 2.0 and I plan to continue to explore it. Hopefully I will discover some more useful tools and applications during this journey.
* I can make goals.
* I can not always meet goals.
* I can not commit to daily entries. No mortal can. It is beyond the realms of possibility. The idea of a daily diary entry is a myth made up to lull gullible fools like me into beleiving that they can commit to something. Its a vicious system – I get the idea into my head that I can do something – my many fans get excited about me doing something each day – I fail to do it because I am only human – my fans then get dejected and are left with this lonely, empty place in their hearts that my commitment would have filled.
* I rant. I go off on tangents. I start a point, my mind wanders, I think about something else, I start to type about that instead and then I am completely off track and away from where I started and I do not even seem to notice and I lose track of where I was going with my thoughts. I think it is because my own thoughts are so interested in the new direction that they then forget themselves and what they were trying to tell me. I really only have myself to blame, I am so awesome that my own thoughts are in awe. Now, where was I ….

One entry a day plan …. ha!

Well it was a bold ambition. One diary entry each day for a week … who could ever commit to that kind of pressure? So here I am on a Tuesday morning about to give a 3 day wrap up of events.

Day 4
Dear Diary,
Friday started with the usual morning routine, twitter & RSS. Again work meant that I could not do much throughout the day so I had intentions of going home that night and working on some mashups for Amelia, and to get some practice and ideas using mashups for Movember. But, like all of my good plans, that fell by the wayside. Late in the afternoon I found out that Amelia had had a bit too much to drink during her corporate golf day and that she had made plans to continue her festivities with her work buddies late into the night. Well, I said, that leaves me open to get up to mischief. And mischief I did get up to. I will not bore you all will the details as I think you will lose a little respect for me.

Day 5
Dear Diary,
Well after last nights efforts I awoke feeling rather unimpressed. I had not intentions of sitting at a computer. I then found out that today was the races, the races that we had tent tickets for. Oh dear, God is punishing me. More drinking and mayham. But wait, there’s more! After the races we had box tickets to the Fury game! more drinking! I did not even look at a computer this day!

Day 6
Dear Diary,
Sunday dawned and I grudgingly got myself out of bed to drag my sorry behind to the bookshop to work. I get to work only to discover that my boss was there already and had opened the shop. Strange, I thought. only 1 person normaly works on a sunday. Well true enough, only one person was working. My boss. I was not rostered on to work that day. So I dragged myself back home to the couch where I watched movies and did nothing, nothing, all day long. My nothing carried on into the night as I did nothing with the computer except send a quick email to my father explaing why I couldn’t be bothering answering his call earlier that morning.

Well I have now run out of time and must start work. Later tonight I will give my final entry and I may decide to add it all up and give my opinion on events so far.

Days 3 & 4 …

Day 3:
Dear Diary,
I had no internet access all day.

Day 4
Dear Diary,
Well today started with my morning ritual of checking email, twitter & rss. It is important to know what is happening elsewhere in the world, if you dont know about something then it hasn’t happened.
The rest of the day continued as any other work day with general duties taking me away from a pc, thus denying me any oppertunity to use 2.0 technologies. Just when I thought this was going to be yet another 2.0-less day, the long awaited first meeting of the Super Mo-brarians Forward Planning & Ideas Generating Leadership Group sat down to discuss some very important details. Our goal of world domination one Mo at a time has commenced! No longer will upper lips remain barren, no longer will women be comfortable kissing real men, no longer will the meek male librarian sit quivering whilst his femaile counterpart dominates the charity fund-raising events … uuhm, that is all during the month of november of course. The rest of the year we will of course cleany-shaven kiss the ladies who don the pink ribbon.
Anyway, I digress. At this llittle sit down of Super Powers we talked about using quite a few 2.0’s, I even quickly jumped onto WordPress and started our Mo-brarians blog. I am very excited at what we’re attempting to do, but I will not give too much away now. Oh no my faithful readers you will just have to wait until Movember!

Day two …

Another day spent at work with minimal time in from of a pc. I did manage to get into work early and check out my twitter and google reader so there were not too many to sort through when i got home. I think that will be a regular schedule.

During work I did not manage to use anything 2.0 related except twitter which i checked in the arvo to kill time …. Ummmm I mean as part of my 15 minutes per day 2.0 time. When I got home I intended to do nothing on the PC but Amelia had other ideas. She had heard me talking with my dad about some of the mashable projects you can do and she wanted me to put some photos of her netball team together for their presentation thingy. I’ll get around to doing more than just looking up websites tomorrow. Might even post the results 🙂

Still 2.0-ing … Introducing The Diary!

It has been a few weeks since I blogged so I would like to say sorry to my great mass of loyal followers that read this blog.

The original intent behind this blog was as a means to talk about, monitor progress and demonstrate applied knowledge of things learnt in the 2.0 program. So far I have not been using this blog for those reason. OK, a few posts here and there to say that I have done this and that, buts thats it. We have come a long way in this 2.0 program and I feel that I learnt about things that I will continue to use long after the end of the program. In keeping with the spirit of this blog, and to try and publicly improve my 2.0 participation, I will be keeping a daily diary for one week to monitor what I am using from this program and just how often I use it.

My goals:
Post once a day
To be honest (not try to use the 2.0 techneques just so I can report on them)
Try not to ramble
Try to make some kind of sense

So here goes …..

Dear Diary,
Today I am not off to a good start. Normally I arrive ultra early to work and this gives me plenty of time to access a computer, but today I arrived with just enough time to get my stuff away and make a coffee before I got stuck into the daily grind. Carrying loads of books from point A to point B all day long did not give me time to sit and use a computer so I had to wait until I got home before I managed to use anything. Thanks to a nice add-on in Firefox I was immediately informed that I have half a bazillion (give or take a few) unread tweets to read, I only follow a small number of people but they are really chatty! Half an hour of reading and following interesting links and I was ready to move onto my next use of 2.0, Facebook. I admit that I am a bit of a nerd, I play face book games. After battling it out in mafia wars and improving my superhero I chatted with some friends that I wouldn’t normally talk to unless I was at the pub. Well after I was done with them I left the computer …. lets just skip to the next part involving 2.0. OK, So a while later I came back to the computer to continue my nerdiness, watching anime. Then I realised that I have been telling myself to start this diary, so I dusted the cobweds off my blog and here I am.
Well the first day seen me use 3 2.0 discoveries. 1 of those 3 I had been using prior to this program and the other 2 I will probably continue to use after this program as I find them very useful. It may appear that I do not like using this blog but thats just not true. I do like it, I do like to read other blogs. Its just that I dont have a use for it now, one day when I’m all grown up and have informed opinions I will be shouting them from the rooftops, or this blog. Most likely this blog cause I dont like to climb. Damn, just realised that I have already broken a goal …. damn rambling, its a curse I inherited at birth. Dont know who gave it to me but I will find them oneday and then I will have my revenge! MWHAHAHAHA …. ummm, ok. Anyway, so ends day 1.