Kaptain Keil – Ponderer Extraordinaire

A few random thoughts floating in cyberspace

What I’ve learnt …

First off I’d llike to note that in my last post days 4,5,6 should have been 5,6,7. I blame lingering effects from the weekend festivities.

Diary Summary:
* This diary highlighted that I do not use many internet functions in my day to day work. So far my 2.0 journey has been about what I can use in my spare time and what I may use in the future. I like the idea of 2.0 and I plan to continue to explore it. Hopefully I will discover some more useful tools and applications during this journey.
* I can make goals.
* I can not always meet goals.
* I can not commit to daily entries. No mortal can. It is beyond the realms of possibility. The idea of a daily diary entry is a myth made up to lull gullible fools like me into beleiving that they can commit to something. Its a vicious system – I get the idea into my head that I can do something – my many fans get excited about me doing something each day – I fail to do it because I am only human – my fans then get dejected and are left with this lonely, empty place in their hearts that my commitment would have filled.
* I rant. I go off on tangents. I start a point, my mind wanders, I think about something else, I start to type about that instead and then I am completely off track and away from where I started and I do not even seem to notice and I lose track of where I was going with my thoughts. I think it is because my own thoughts are so interested in the new direction that they then forget themselves and what they were trying to tell me. I really only have myself to blame, I am so awesome that my own thoughts are in awe. Now, where was I ….

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