Kaptain Keil – Ponderer Extraordinaire

A few random thoughts floating in cyberspace

One entry a day plan …. ha!

Well it was a bold ambition. One diary entry each day for a week … who could ever commit to that kind of pressure? So here I am on a Tuesday morning about to give a 3 day wrap up of events.

Day 4
Dear Diary,
Friday started with the usual morning routine, twitter & RSS. Again work meant that I could not do much throughout the day so I had intentions of going home that night and working on some mashups for Amelia, and to get some practice and ideas using mashups for Movember. But, like all of my good plans, that fell by the wayside. Late in the afternoon I found out that Amelia had had a bit too much to drink during her corporate golf day and that she had made plans to continue her festivities with her work buddies late into the night. Well, I said, that leaves me open to get up to mischief. And mischief I did get up to. I will not bore you all will the details as I think you will lose a little respect for me.

Day 5
Dear Diary,
Well after last nights efforts I awoke feeling rather unimpressed. I had not intentions of sitting at a computer. I then found out that today was the races, the races that we had tent tickets for. Oh dear, God is punishing me. More drinking and mayham. But wait, there’s more! After the races we had box tickets to the Fury game! more drinking! I did not even look at a computer this day!

Day 6
Dear Diary,
Sunday dawned and I grudgingly got myself out of bed to drag my sorry behind to the bookshop to work. I get to work only to discover that my boss was there already and had opened the shop. Strange, I thought. only 1 person normaly works on a sunday. Well true enough, only one person was working. My boss. I was not rostered on to work that day. So I dragged myself back home to the couch where I watched movies and did nothing, nothing, all day long. My nothing carried on into the night as I did nothing with the computer except send a quick email to my father explaing why I couldn’t be bothering answering his call earlier that morning.

Well I have now run out of time and must start work. Later tonight I will give my final entry and I may decide to add it all up and give my opinion on events so far.

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